Samurai Cop Self-Defense Academy
Academy Certification Requirements
SCA-SOP Order 05-2
Basic Certification
Minimum 10 weeks for ages 6 yrs to 17 yrs – Trainees must complete a minimum of 7 classes, recite the Student Code of Honor, and demonstrate the basic techniques instructed in the course in order to receive the Basic Certificate of Completion.
Intermediate Certification
Minimum 10 weeks – Completion of the Basic Samurai Cop self-defense Course with Certificate of Completion. Trainees must complete a minimum of 7 classes and demonstrate additional techniques taught in this course to receive their Intermediate Certificate of Completion.
Advanced Certification
Minimum 10 weeks – Completion of the Intermediate Samurai Cop self-defense Course with Certificate of Completion. Trainees must complete a minimum of 7 classes, are required to wear the Academy Uniform, purchase the Official Samurai Cop Training Manual, and be able to demonstrate all of the required testing techniques for 9th Kyu Blue Belt. Those Trainees successfully completing this course will receive an Advanced Certificate of Completion, Blue Belt and a certificate of 9th Kyu ranking in Shuyokan Ryu Aiki-Goshin Jutsu with the status of Recruit.
Recruits holding the rank of Blue Belt (9th Kyu) will be required to maintain a Recruit Notebook, which will be inspected prior to all future testing, and will continue training in the Advanced Course to receive their Purple Belt (6th Kyu). Once a recruit is promoted to the rank of 6th Kyu Purple Belt, they will be able to enroll and attend the Samurai Cop Black Belt Academy Course.
Black Belt Academy Certification
Year round 10 week courses – Completion of the Advanced Samurai Cop self-defense Course, Certificate of Completion, hold the rank of 6th Kyu Purple Belt, wear the Academy Uniform, and continue to maintain the Recruit Notebook for inspections prior to any future testing. Recruits attending the Academy classes will continue to test for rank with the goal of attaining their Black Belt in Shuyokan Ryu Aikijutsu. All Samurai Cop Recruits testing for the rank of first degree Black Belt must meet Academy Time In Grade Requirements and be able to demonstrate the required testing techniques in a proficient manner. Black Belt testing will be conducted under the direction of the Shuyokan Dojo, which is the Headquarters for the Samurai Cop Black Belt Academy.
Policy Effective Date: 7-19-06
SCA-SOP Order 05-2