Samurai Cop Defense Academy
Academy Uniform Policy
SCA-SOP Order 05-3
Academy Uniform
The official academy uniform of the Samurai Cop Defense Academy is an all black Judo uniform consisting of a black jacket, matching black pants, and a white belt. All Trainees and Recruits entering into the Advanced Course are required to wear the Academy Uniform, uniform patches, and the appropriate colored belt.
Academy Uniform Patches
The Academy uniform shall consist of two Academy Shoulder Patches that are to be worn on the upper shoulder area of the uniform sleeves centered approximately two fingers width below the top shoulder seam. The Academy Badge Patch is to be worn over the left breast area of the chest and angled in a position that is straight and upright so as not to be parallel with the left lapel of the uniform jacket.
Academy Chevron Stripe Patches are to be worn on both uniform jacket sleeves approximately two fingers width from the bottom of each of the Shoulder Patches to the top point of the Chevron Stripe Patch.
Commander Bar Patches are to be worn and centered on the top of each shoulder and are to be positioned approximately two fingers width from the outside edge of the uniform jacket neck lapel seam.
Wearing the Academy Uniform
All Trainees and Recruits attending the Advanced and Black Belt Academy Courses are required to wear the official Academy Uniform with the appropriate Academy Patches and Colored Belt that represents their current rank in the Academy. Uniform Belts are to be tied neatly with the belt knot centered in the front and the belt ends hanging evenly. The wearing of a black colored t-shirts under the uniform jacket is required for all female Trainees and Recruits and is optional for male Trainees and Recruits.
Under no circumstances are Trainees or Recruits permitted to wear the Academy uniform, or any portion of same, in public, except for attending Academy Training Courses, participating in public demonstrations, or other Academy approved event(s).
Uniforms shall be kept neat and clean at all times and are subject to inspection at any time during Academy Classes.
Policy Effective Date: 7-19-06
SCA-SOP Order 05-3