Samurai Cop Defense Academy
Academy Notebook Requirements
SCA-SOP Order 05-4
Academy Recruit Notebook
All Recruits holding the rank of 9th Kyu Blue Belt and higher, who attend the Advanced Academy or Black Belt Academy Courses, are required to keep and maintain in a neat and orderly fashion an Academy Notebook. The Academy Notebook is to be a three ring white notebook with a full-page clear plastic sleeve on the front, which is to contain an Academy Recruit Notebook Cover Sheet furnished by the Academy. Notebook Inspection Sheets will also be furnished by the Academy. Recruit Academy Notebooks are subject to and must pass inspection prior to Recruits testing for rank promotions.
Academy Notebook Contents
Academy Notebooks shall contain the following information:
Dividers Should Read as Follows:
Inspection and Promotions (Contents)
Notebook and Uniform Inspection Sheet
Copy of most recent school progress report
Academy Techniques (Contents)
Obtain from Academy Web site
Handout Material (Contents)
Given out in class or obtained from Web site
Material from Briefing Room on Web site
Current Newsletter (Contents)
Obtain at the Academy or from the Web site
Academy Notes (Contents)
Neatly printed or typed notes from each class; arranged by date
Policy Effective Date: 7-19-06
SCA-SOP Order 05-4