Samurai Cop Defense Academy

Fighting and Self-Defense

SCA-SOP Order 06-1


No Trainee or Recruit who is actively training in the Advanced Academy Course or Black Belt Academy Course, shall challenge, start, engage in or participate in any verbal and/or physical fight, either in the Academy or outside the Academy.

Any Trainee or Recruit found in violation of this SOP shall be subject to Disciplinary Action under Order SAC-SOP-Order-06-2.


By law, a Trainee or Recruit has the right, and may defend them selves using any of the approved Academy techniques in any situation where "self-defense" is for the immediate safety and well being of their personal safety or the safety of a family member. Trainees and Recruits acting in "self-defense" shall not be subject to Disciplinary Action under Order SAC-SOP-Order-06-02.











Policy Effective Date: 7-19-06
SCA-SOP Order 06-1