Samurai Cop Defense Academy
Disciplinary Action Procedure
SCA-SOP Order 06-2
One of the goals of the Samurai Cop Academy is to teach and instill the importance of both discipline and self-discipline to both Trainees and Recruits who train in the Advanced Course(s) and the Black Belt Academy Course(s). Those training at the Academy are expected to represent, in a positive way, both the values and standards of the Academy in all that they do, and as such, they should strive to be responsible for setting good examples as role models for others to follow, both in the Academy during their training, and outside of the Academy in their community. Trainees and Recruits are expected to accept responsibility, leadership, and excel in their education, life styles and their training at the Academy.
Because the training at the Academy is the study and use of martial arts for the purposes of self-defense, Trainees and Recruits are held to a higher level of responsibility for their actions both in and outside the Academy environment. They earn the privilege to wear the Academy Uniform and their rank does not confer privilege or give power, it imposes responsibility. But even when they are out of uniform and are away from the Academy, they are still expected to represent the values and standards of what the Academy represents and stands for by accepting responsibility for their actions in anything that they do which may reflect or could have a direct affect on the Academy.
Should it come to the attention of the Academy that a Trainee or Recruit has been involved in an incident, either in the Academy or outside the Academy, in which questionable and/or inappropriate actions may have been taken which could directly reflect on the Academy, any one or all of the following disciplinary action(s) may be taken based on the severity of the incident and/or questionable actions:
Any and all incidents involving questionable actions by any Trainee or Recruit either in the Academy or outside the Academy, including any Disciplinary Action that is taken, shall be evaluated and handled by the Chief Instructor of the Academy on a case-by-case basis, kept strictly confidential, documented and kept on file by the Academy. Trainees or Recruits will receive a written copy of any Disciplinary Action that is taken and will be required to keep their copy in the Notes Section of their Academy Notebook.
It shall be the responsibility of all Trainees and Recruits training in both the Advanced Courses and Black Belt Academy Courses to be familiar with this policy and keep a copy of it in their Samurai Cop Recruit Academy Notebook.
Policy Effective Date: 7-19-06
SCA-SOP Order 06-2