Took place on Saturday, March 12, 2022 in Costa Mesa, CA
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Soke Sensei David Dye was recently interviewed on the Situational Awarness Podcast
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This 2-hour non-martial arts workshop combines a self-defense education and hands-on practice using the MUNIO Designer Self-Defense Keychain, a unique, attractive and effective personal safety accessory. Working hands-on in simulated attack scenarios, such as grabs, chokes, hair pulls and much more, you will learn and practice easy, natural and effective ways and methods to use MUNIO that can rapidly disable an attacker and help you to escape safely and unharmed.
Download/view the Munio Self-Defense Workshop Flier.
February 22, 2021 – To: All Members Present and Past
I trust all of you are still doing well, staying healthy under the current circumstances. I just wanted to update you on some of the changes taking place at Shuyokan.
Many of our students have been slowly returning to classes which has helped the Dojo financially to remain open during the Pandemic conditions. The struggle continues, but I am being positive Shuyokan will continue to remain strong and stay open with the help and support of the students. We have also signed up 6 new students in the past two months: 3 adults and 3 youth students. We will continue to keep our modified class schedules and attendance the same until further notice.
There have also been some class time changes for the following classes: The Monday Adult class time has been changed to meet at 7:00 p.m. The Wednesday and Thursdays Adult class times will remain at 7:30 p.m. The Saturday morning 7:30 a.m.. Black Belt Training class has been changed to meet at 8:00 a.m. and the Saturday morning 9:00 a.m. Youth Class has been canceled due to lack of attendance.
Effective March 1, 2021 there will no longer be a break between the 12 week sessions for our Samurai Cop Advanced students. This means that classes will continue to meet all year round with no breaks between the sessions and allows for four additional weeks of training during the year.
I am hopeful this year we will be able to hold our year-end annual promotional awards banquet. Plans are also being made to hold my 60th year martial arts celebration in the Spring of 2022.
Please be safe and stay healthy.
Sensei David A. Dye
Shuyokan - Soke
February 6, 2021: Effective this date, the following changes will take place for Saturday morning classes:
1. The 9 a.m. Youth class is being canceled due to lack of attendance.
2. The 7:30 a.m. Black Belt class for Adults and Youth students preparing for Black Belt Testing promotions will be changed to meet from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. with an additional 30 minutes of open class practice until 9:30 a.m.
All of the other class times listed below will remain the same:
Adult Classes: Mon, Wed, Thurs 7:30 p.m.
Youth Classes: Tue, Wed, Thurs 6:00 p.m.
As classes continue to grown in size, additional days and times will be added as needed.
Thank you for all of your support and dedication to Shuyokan.
Sensei David A. Dye
Shuyokan - Soke
March 23, 2019: Sensei Dye will be honored for the day at the Martial Arts History Museum in Burbank, California at 4:00 p.m.
Download/view your invitation to attend the event.
December 5, 2015: At the 27th annual Shuyokan holiday party held in Costa Mesa, California on December 5, 2015, Sensei Dye was promoted to 5th Dan in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu by
Professor George Kirby and the Budoshin Ju-Jitsu Yudanshakai. This promotion was a result of Sensei Dye participating in an examination process that took place demonstrating various techniques
of Ju-Jitsu. Sensei Dye also received a certificate of promotion from the American Ju-Jitsu Association officially recognizing his promotion to 5th Dan in Budoshin Ju-Jitsu.
December 5, 2015: Shuyokan Black Belts receive the official Shuyokan Ryu Black Belt pin at a Formal Pinning Ceremony held in Costa Mesa on December 5, 2015. All future students being promoted to
Shodan will receive their pin from Sensei Dye during a Formal Pinning Ceremony.
October 12, 2015: Black Belt Quarterly Class Training – These classes will be part of all future Black Belt Promotional Requirements including, and in addition to, the Saturday morning Black Belt Classes.
2016 Training Schedule
Saturdays, 10:15am to 11:30am on the following dates:
January 30 – April 30 – July 30 – October 29
Please Mark Your Calendars
(Click on the image for a PDF version of this information.)
July 2015: Shuyokan Black Belt Francis Tran visits the SIAF Honbu Dojo and trains with Soke Shioda during his visit to Japan.
June 30, 2015: Grandmaster Wong Long Ching, a direct student of Yip Man, the Wing Chun teacher of the late Bruce Lee, visited Shuyokan for an historical tour from Hong Kong to the United States. Students and guests were treated to a rare look into Grandmaster Wong Long Ching's training and time spent with Yip Man in the study of Wing Chun.
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Double Tap – The Movie
Featuring lead actor and action star Shuyokan Black Belt Fabian Carrillo and Shuyokan Black Belt stuntmen: Senseis Leonard Takahashi, Paul Hayes, Wes Watkins and Jeff Walker with Sensei David Dye as a stunt choreographer and stuntman.
[read more]
Shuyokan and Teen Road To Safety Join Together In Helping Both Adults and Teens Become Safer Drivers.
The Shuyokan Dojo has teamed up with Teen Road To Safety to offer both
adults and teens who are current members attending any of the classes at Shuyokan or the Samurai Cop Academy, discount rates for Behind The Wheel Driving Lessons,
Classroom Lessons and the Advanced Driving Courses.
Current members who wish to take advantage of these discounts should contact Sensei Dye to obtain the special discount registration code for these classes.
If you are not a current member of Shuyokan and you attend the Teen Road To Safety Advanced Driving Course, present your Teen Road To Safety Certificate of Completion at the time of your Shuyokan registration for membership and receive a 25% discount on any membership plan.
"Safe Driving Begins With You"
Sensei Dye Announces Shuyokan's Affiliation, and His Promotion, with Shioda International Aikido Federation
At the 26th annual Shuyokan Holiday Party held on December 6, 2014 in Costa Mesa, California, and attended by over 150 guests, Sensei Dye announced Shuyokan's
affiliation with the Shioda International Aikido Federation. [ read more ]
A Tribute to Samantha Nguyen (2001 – 2013) Whose smiles brought us laughter and memories that will last us forever. – Sensei David Dye
Samantha Nguyen :
Video Tribute | Scholarship Award
Sensei Dye Honored by the Martial Arts History Museum — On Saturday, September 7, 2013, Sensei Dye was honored and inducted into the Martial Arts History Museum at a ceremony held in Burbank, California. He was featured in the 2013 museum's book publication and his photos are now on display in the museum which is located in the City of Burbank, California. For additional information please visit the museum's web site at
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Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George Kirby, Camp Budoshin 2010)
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Camp Budoshin 2011 — 20th Anniversary Highlights
Click on the image to the right to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George Kirby, Camp Budoshin 2011)
Privacy Notice
This Briefing Room post is regarding the class attendance recording method which has been in use at the
Shuyokan since May 1, 2013.
Great care has been taken to protect the privacy of all Recuits. This program, and all data, are NOT web-based. The program, and ALL data, is stored on the computer in the dojo. At no time is any of the data transferred to, or through, the internet. More information about the program can be found on The Studio Organizer web site.
Notice To All Members - PIN Instructions
Click on the above image for a larger view.
View this page for complete instructions.
Effective May 1, 2013, Shuyokan will be implementing an electronic method of check in for all members who train at the Dojo.
Posted: April 10, 2013
Special Award Presentation
USAF Khandahar, Afghanistan NATO Award presented by Brandon and Joseph Farnam celebrating Sensei Dye's 50th year in martial arts. This flag was flown at the Air Field of the United States Air Force in Kandahar, Afganistan.
Posted: July 6, 2012
West Point Letter
Letter from Dept of the Army, LTC Giordano for Sensei Dye's instruction in a training seminar with A3 Tactical at Camp Smith, New York in March 2012.
Posted: July 6, 2012
Membership Policy Change
Please read carefully:
To: All Shuyokan Members
Effective January 3, 2011, your membership at Shuyokan must be current and in good standing in order to participate in any of the classes at the Dojo. This includes, but is not limited to, any and all Adult, Youth, and Samurai Cop Academy classes and seminars offered through the Aikido Federation of California – Shuyokan Dojo. This policy shall be strictly enforced and no member will be allowed to train if their membership is not current and in good standing. Please make sure your membership fee(s) is (are) received by the due date. Memberships not received on time may be subject to a 10% late fee. Your cooperation is appreciated.
This policy change is due to restrictions placed on us by our insurance carrier and must be enforced.
Thank You,
Sensei Dye
Posted: December 30, 2010
A Student's Personal Testimony
The following is from a student who currently trains with Sensei Dye. The incident was reported to the local police.
"I have been training with Sensei Dye for about 4 or 5 semesters learning general self-defense. During the Summer of 2010, I was walking down a street when a man came up from behind me and attacked me. As the man began yelling and getting more aggressive, I began to hear Sensei Dye's voice in my head telling me to keep my distance. I was lucky it did not go any further, but I know if it had proceeded to get worse I would have been able to defend myself thanks to the training I took. If it had not been for the classes I have taken with Sensei Dye I might not have reacted the right way. Thank you Sensei"
Maria S.
August 2010
Teen Road To Safety
"The Samurai Cop Self-Defense Academy highly endorses and recommends the Teen Road To Safety
Driving Courses and Classroom programs. These courses and programs are designed to help young teen drivers in our community improve their driving skills as drivers of motor vehicles
by teaching them safe and proven driving skills and techniques used when operating a motor vehicle." - Sensei David Dye, Advanced Driving Course Instructor
Two Wolves (Submitted by Shuyokan student Denise Ciganovich)
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle
going on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,
self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old
Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Using Internet Group and Chat Forum Web Sites
Using an Internet chat or forum web site where you are asked information to use
in a personal profile is extremely dangerous to your personal safety and the safety of your family. If you list your name, age, where you attend school and other personal
items, keep in mind the information you enter can be accessed by anyone, including those who target young children. Think about it! Once you make your name and school known,
anyone who would want to harm you in any way now knows how to find you based on the information you furnished in your profile. It may not seem important to you at the time
because you think it is cool. But ask any police investigator who poses on the Internet as a young child to catch those who are looking for young kids as targets the number
of contacts they receive, and the number of arrests they make of these types of criminals.
It is up to you to take responsibility to protect both yourself and your family from these types of predators who want to hurt you or possibly separate you from your family – permanently!
Freeway Safety
Recently there has been an increase in shootings aimed at moving vehicles on our freeways. If your mom or dad
drives on the freeway, tell them to watch for suspicious vehicles, especially those with a window rolled down. In order for someone to shoot out of a moving vehicle, the
window must be open. Have your mom and dad be aware of vehicles pulling along side of them maintaining the same speed they are traveling. Your parents should slow down and
let the vehicle continue past them. Make sure your mom and dad use both their rear view and side view mirrors more frequently to be aware of other vehicles around them,
especially on our freeways.
The 2004 Fall/Winter issue of the Shuyokan Newsletter is now available, PDF format, 550 KB. (If you are using Internet Explorer, you may have to download it first. Right-click and select "Save Target As...")
Print out this important information on "The 3 A's". (Click on the 'banner' at the top of the page to return here.)
The self-defense techniques we learn are perishable skills so we must continue to train. If we are to rely upon these skills we must continue to practice and train to be aware of our surroundings. Taking the necessary and proper steps to continue to train and practice our self-defense techniques can help increase the chances of not becoming a victim when being faced with a physical confrontation.
On August 24, 2004 a number of Shuyokan members represented the Samurai Cop self-defense Academy as part of The National Night Out. This is an annual event in which the City of Costa Mesa, the Costa
Mesa Police Department, and this year well over 1,200 residents, joined together to celebrate the year-round efforts to keep their neighborhoods crime and drug free. Read
the thank you letter the Chief of Police,
John D. Hensely, sent to thank us for participating.
This issue's Safety Tip: When walking on a sidewalk, always walk facing oncoming traffic. Never walk with your back to oncoming traffic.
If you have ideas for something you would like to see in your newsletter or to contribute in any way, please contact us.